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Facilities and Campus Map Umeda Satellite Campus

Facility Overview (Osaka Station Building No. 3, 19th floor)

The Umeda Satellite Campus is used for lectures, mainly for Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School, as well as lectures, symposiums, computer-related qualification courses, academic conferences, and study groups. Working Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School can also attend lectures in classrooms just a five-minute walk from Osaka Station, and the general public can also attend lectures.
At the Umeda Satellite Campus, just like at the main campus, current students can use PapyrusMate to issue certificates of enrollment, transcripts, student discounts, etc. In addition, in cooperation with Career Center, it can be used as a base for distributing resumes and job hunting.


Traffic access

Please use the high-rise elevator.
For those coming from the basement: Take the escalator to the first floor and then use the [high-rise] elevator from the first floor.


Osaka Sangyo University
Umeda Satellite Campus

〒530-0001 大阪市北区梅田1-1-3 大阪駅前第3ビル19階
TEL : 06-6442-5522 / FAX : 06-6442-5524

Graduate School of Economics
Umeda Satellite Course

TEL : 072-875-3001(代表)

Osaka Sangyo University
Career Center

TEL : 072-875-1670(直通)