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To all parents

[Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship] Procedures for May recipients ※Video of information session uploaded

This is an announcement for those who have been selected for the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship and whose first transfer is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th (May recipients).

The information session on the following dates has ended. If you have not yet come to pick up your application documents, please come to the scholarship counter immediately!! You will not be able to make the deadline.


[Information Session Schedule]

① May 28th (Tue) 14:30~
② May 30th (Thu) 14:30~

③ May 30th (Thu) 14:30~

 **What to bring**

A bag for your student ID, writing implements, and documents


[Procedure overview]

①Watch the "Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) explanatory video"
②Receive the necessary documents at the scholarship counter and watch the information session video below.
③Register your scholarship number on Scholarnet Personal (for all students) and check your portal notification settings
④ Prepare a repayment pledge while referring to the Loan Scholarship Student Handbook (digest version) and the "Repayment Pledge Writing Manual" (No grant scholarships have been created.)
⑤ Submit the repayment pledge form etc. to the scholarship special window by the deadline (No documents to submit for grant scholarships)


*If any corrections are required to any information on the Return Pledge, please fill out the "Notification of Correction of Information on the Return Pledge" form and submit it together with the Return Pledge.


[Part 1 of the recruitment procedure explanation video] ?Please click here.
[Part 2 of the recruitment procedure explanation session video] ?Please click here.
[How to write a return pledge] ?Click here.


[Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) explanatory video] ? Watch each item

*This video does not reflect changes from 2024 onwards.

Full story  To all scholarship recipients - Full version - (24 minutes 23 seconds)
By chapter  1.First of all  6. Personal guarantee system
 2. Scholarship Overview  7. Select "Interest Rate Calculation Method"
 3. Documents to be distributed  8. Return Method
 4. What happens after a job offer is made  9. Scholarship Repayment
 5. Institutional Guarantee System  10. Handling of personal credit information
[Where to submit documents/inquiries]

3-1-1 Nakagaito Daito City, Osaka Prefecture, 574-0013
Osaka Sangyo University Student Life Scholarship Special Desk

電話番号/072-875-3070(直通) (072-875-3069)