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Professor Maekawa of the Department of Department of Mechanical Engineering has received a Certificate of Appreciation from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Professor Maekawa of Department of Mechanical Engineering received the Certificate of Appreciation from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) on July 20, 2022.

This is equivalent to a lifetime achievement award.

The award was presented in recognition of his long-term contributions as Associate Editor of the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (impact factor: 1.051), an ASME international academic journal well-known in the technical field of the design and manufacturing of pressure vessels and piping.

He served as Associate Editor for two terms of six years from 2016 to 2022, during which time he served as guest chief editor for the special issue "Current Trends for Pressure Vessels and Piping Technology" in April 2020.

It has also contributed to improving the quality and influence of the journal's research, with the impact factor increasing from 0.729 in 2016 to 1.051 in 2022.

Professor MaekawaProfessor Maekawa