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Faculty of Economics Department of Economics

Announcement of the Asian Community Research Center (ACRC) International Symposium on December 2nd (Saturday)

The Asia Community Research Center (ACRC) at Osaka Sangyo University will be holding an international symposium entitled "The World and Asia at a Crossroads: Seeking New Growth" on Saturday, December 2nd.
Please see below for details.

"The World and Asia at a Crossroads: Searching for New Growth"
Date and time
December 2, 2023 (Sat) 13:00-17:40
Osaka Sangyo University Umeda Satellite Campus (Osaka Station Building No. 3, 19th floor)
1-1-3 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka City, 530-0001
How the event will be held
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大阪産業大学アジア共同体研究センター(ACRC) 事務局
International SymposiumInternational Symposium

About Osaka Sangyo University Asian Community Research Center (ACRC)

Established: 2005

Research theme: What kind of framework is necessary to achieve international cooperation under Asian pluralism?

ACRC was established by faculty members of Faculty of Economics Osaka Sangyo University as a result of an international joint research project on the possibilities and problems of establishing an EU-type community in Asia. Asia is extremely diverse compared to Europe, and we conduct research on the realities of Asian regions and the relationships between them based on the awareness of the issue of what efforts are needed to realize multilateral cooperation and coordination while protecting and utilizing the advantages of that diversity. Currently, our main activity is an international symposium held every year with a theme appropriate for the time of year. At this symposium, we invite domestic and international experts to participate in discussions with participants, providing a forum for deepening understanding of the Asian economy.

ACRC International Symposiums over the past 5 years

?2018: "The Rise of Protectionist Trade Policies and the Future of Economic Partnership in Asia"
?2019: "The Future of the US-China Economic War and its Impact on the East Asian Economy"
?2020: "Post-COVID-19 International Trade Order and the Path Japan Should Take"
?2021: "The Novel Coronavirus and the Economy and Society: Japan, Asia, and the World"
?2022: "Aiming to build a carbon-free society"