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If you continue job hunting after graduation/completion

International students who have graduated from a Japanese university (excluding preparatory students, auditors, course students, and research students) and wish to remain in Japan for the purpose of continuing their job-hunting activities that they were doing before graduation may apply to change their residence status to "Designated Activities (Continuing Job Hunting)".

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application for permission to change status of residence
  2. photograph
  3. Passport and residence card
  4. Documents certifying the applicant's ability to cover all expenses during their stay
  5. A copy of your graduation certificate or graduation certificate from the university you were previously enrolled in
  6. A letter of recommendation for continuing your job search from the university you were previously enrolled in
  7. Documents proving that you are continuing to search for employment

The issuance of "(6) Letter of recommendation for continuing job hunting from the university where you were enrolled until immediately before" has its own criteria. For details, please contact Career Center. As a general rule, those who start job hunting after the start of the second semester of the graduation year (spring semester of the graduation year for those who enrolled in the fall) are not eligible.