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Student Support Division : Dealing with sudden illness or injury

Support system list

Support for your illness and injury

At our university, support for expenses in the event of illness or injury is provided primarily through the Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association. In addition, there are systems and facilities other than the Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association that support the health of students.

    • Subsidies are available when using facilities designated by the Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association.

      Assistance with facility use
  • For first aid on campus, regular health checks, and health certificates, please click here

    Health Service Center

Student Health Insurance

Medical Expense Benefits

  Please download the application form below.

What is the Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association?

The Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association is a mutual aid organization for everyone. Its main purpose is to subsidize medical expenses for illness and injury. Until 2016, membership fees were collected in a lump sum at the time of enrollment. However, from 2017, membership fees will be collected in installments when paying tuition fees for the first and second semesters of each academic year. Please be sure to pay by the designated deadline. Please note that if you do not pay your membership fees, you will lose your membership status. For students from previous years and those on leave, please contact Student Support Division regarding voluntary membership. * Membership is valid for six months in the first or second semester in which the membership fee was paid, so please pay your membership fee every semester. (However, this does not apply to course students and research students.) Members can receive medical benefits when they receive medical care.


Student Support Division handles this service.

Student Health Insurance Committee

The Osaka Sangyo University Student Health Insurance Committee was established as a student committee of the Student Health Insurance Mutual Aid Association. It conveys student opinions to the school and also conducts direct public relations activities for students. It also holds health-related events and works to improve students' health awareness.

Student Education and Research Accident Insurance

What is Student Education and Research Accident Insurance?

At our university, all students are required to enroll in the "Student Education and Research Accident Insurance (Gakkensai)" which covers injuries sustained during unforeseen accidents during regular classes, extracurricular activities, while on school facilities, while commuting to school, or while traveling between university facilities. Please note that this insurance does not cover "illness." Please check "Student Health Insurance" for the scope of coverage for "illness."

Please check the "Guide to Student Education and Research Accident Insurance" that is distributed to you at the time of your enrollment.

*Please note* A copy of the receipt is required to apply for an insurance claim. Please be sure to keep the receipt.

[Handling office]

Student Support Division

TEL 072-875-3001(代表)
Reception time Weekdays 9:00-17:00 / Saturdays 9:00-12:30

*Please be sure to contact us if an accident occurs.