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Student Support Division Scholarships and Educational Loans


Scholarship system and types

About the scholarship system

The purpose of scholarships is to reduce the burden of tuition and living expenses when financial circumstances make it difficult for students to continue their studies, and to help them establish a foundation for living the life they were meant to lead as students. Scholarships include the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship, local government scholarships, and scholarships from various organizations. For external scholarships, information on which is sent to the university is posted on the university's website and on campus, but there are also scholarships that are advertised independently by local governments and national sports associations.

*The details of the Japan Student Services Organization's scholarships and new higher education support system are for the 2024 academic year. Some systems are scheduled to be revised from April 2025. The details of the systems will be updated sequentially after they are finalized.

For undergraduate students

Scholarship Program Recruitment period kinds
Japan Student Services Organization Regular recruitment New support system for higher education (grant scholarships + tuition fee reductions, etc.)
Category 1 Scholarship
Type 2 Scholarship
Emergency/First Aid Scholarships Recruiting at any time New support system for higher education (grant scholarships + tuition fee reductions, etc.)
Japan Student Services Organization Emergency Scholarship (Type 1 Scholarship)
Japan Student Services Organization Emergency Scholarship (Type 2 Scholarship)
Short-term loans
others Various scholarships

For Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School

Scholarship Program Recruitment period kinds
Japan Student Services Organization Regular recruitment Category 1 Scholarship
Type 2 Scholarship
Deferred tuition payment system (a type of scholarship)
Emergency/First Aid Scholarships Recruiting at any time Japan Student Services Organization Emergency Scholarship (Type 1 Scholarship)
Japan Student Services Organization Emergency Scholarship (Type 2 Scholarship)
Short-term loans
others Various scholarships

Scholarship Program Contact Point

The contact point is as follows:

Undergraduate and graduate students

[Office hours] Student Support Division No. 3 [Reception hours] Monday through Friday 9:00-17:00 Saturday 9:00-12:30

The content is different for international students. Please inquire at International Exchange Office.

Information on scholarship applications and contact with scholarship recipients

University Website

Information will be posted in Student Support Division 's announcements section.

Portal System

It will be posted on Portal-OSU Announcements. Please register your email address in the email notification settings.

bulletin board

Main Building 1F Scholarship Notice Board

If you overlook some information and do not complete the necessary procedures, you may lose your status as a scholarship recipient. Please be sure to regularly check the university website, portal system, bulletin boards, etc.

If you have made any of the following changes, please notify the relevant office:

  • If you have withdrawn from school, taken a leave of absence, studied abroad, or changed departments or courses
  • If the applicant, guardian, guarantor, or guarantor moves
  • If you change your guarantor or joint guarantor

Educational Loan

Educational Loan Application Guide

The following loans are available:

Japan Finance Corporation - National Education Loan

融資の資格、内容ついては、世帯人数?収入により異なります。 詳しくは、「国の教育ローン」コールセンター (電話:0570-008656(ナビダイヤル)または、03-5321-8656)へお問い合わせください。

JACCS Co., Ltd. - JACCS Education Loan

In partnership with JACCS Corporation, a member of the MUFG Group, we have introduced JACCS Education Loan, a simple payment system for tuition fees, to reduce the financial burden on those who pay tuition fees. Under this system, JACCS pays tuition fees (enrollment fees, tuition fees, etc.) on behalf of parents, and the parents then repay the loan amount to JACCS in installments. For inquiries regarding applications or use, please contact the toll-free number below. JACCS Consumer Desk: 0120-338-817 Reception hours: 10:00-19:00 (weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Orient Corporation - Tuition Support Plan

In cooperation with Orient Corporation, we have introduced a simple tuition payment installment system called "Tuition Support" to reduce the financial burden on tuition payers. For inquiries regarding application or use, please contact the Tuition Support Desk below. Orico Tuition Support Desk [Tel: 0120-517-325] (Weekdays 9:30-17:30)

Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. - Cedyna Tuition Loan

SMBCグループの三井住友カード株式会社と提携して、学費納入者の経済的負担を軽減するため、簡単な手続きで利用可能な学納金分納制度『セディナ学費ローン』を導入しています。 入学金や授業料などの学納金を三井住友カード株式会社が学費納入者に代わって大学に立て替え払いする制度で、学費納入者は三井住友カード株式会社に毎月分割で支払うクレジット商品です。 お申し込みやご利用に関するご相談は、下記フリーダイヤルへお問い合わせください。 お問合せ先(フリーダイアル)050-3827-0375 受付時間:10:00~17:00(1月1日休み)

Scholarships (for graduates)

To all graduates who received scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

If you received a Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) scholarship while you were a student, and you have graduated but are unable to repay due to financial difficulties, unemployment, injury, illness, disaster, etc., you can apply for a "reduced repayment system" or "repayment deadline extension system." For more information, please contact the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship Repayment Counseling Center directly or visit the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) website.

Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship Repayment Counseling Center Navi Dial 0570-666-301 (Navi Dial, nationwide) Monday to Friday 8:00 to 20:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and the New Year holidays)

To all graduates who received Osaka Sangyo University scholarships and Osaka Supporters Association scholarships

Contact information for inquiries about university scholarships (excluding support groups)

大阪産業大学 学生生活課 奨学係

Contact information for inquiries regarding Osaka Sangyo University Support Association Scholarship

大阪産業大学 後援会事務局

*You can contact us by phone (weekdays 9:00-17:00) or email.