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Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School


Educational and research objectives

  1. Graduate School of Engineering The purpose of the Institute is to engage in research that creates new technologies through the fusion of basic industrial technologies and advanced engineering technologies, with the aim of achieving both the maintenance of the global environment and the sustainable development of human society, and to foster engineers and researchers with advanced expertise who can work in industry and various other fields of society in a practical educational environment involved in cutting-edge research. The educational and research objective of the Master's Program is to nurture engineers and researchers with advanced expertise who can work in various fields of society, including industry, in a practical educational environment where they can engage in cutting-edge research.
    The Master's Course systematically imparts specialized knowledge in the major field of study, and cultivates engineers with advanced skills who can independently solve actual problems in society by engaging in socially useful research and conducting research activities ranging from setting up problems to solving and summarizing them.
    The doctoral course provides students with advanced knowledge in their field of specialization and related fields, and trains them to engage in socially and academically useful research and to solve various problems faced by society with independence and creativity through research activities ranging from literature research, problem formulation, research planning, research implementation, compilation, and publication of the thesis. The program aims to cultivate human resources with advanced research skills who can solve various problems faced by society with independence and creativity.
  2. The master's program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering teaches specialized knowledge in mechanical engineering, such as energy, materials and processing, and measurement and control, in relation to actual manufacturing.It also teaches independence and globalization through practical research on mechanical products and manufacturing. The aim is to develop mechanical engineers who have a unique perspective and can contribute to advanced manufacturing.
  3. The master's program in the Department of Transportation Mechanical Engineering is based on advanced specialized knowledge and technology related to mechanical engineering and related fields, as well as transportation, including automobiles and railways, while responding to various issues in a multifaceted and logical manner. The aim is to develop creative human resources who can contribute to the sustainability and development of humanity and society.
  4. The master's program in Urban Creation Engineering aims to contribute to urban creation in a recycling-oriented society, and provides education in academic fields related to the construction and regeneration of urban infrastructure, the creation and preservation of the urban environment, and the formation of urban structures that are resistant to natural disasters. Through this and research, the aim is to develop specialized engineers who can flexibly respond to changes in society's way of thinking about urban creation and environmental conservation.
  5. The master's program in the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering focuses on software technology for data-oriented information technology such as intelligent information technology and big data in the electrical and electronic engineering field, and hardware technology for electrification and high efficiency and energy saving in the electrical and electronic engineering field. As hardware technology advances, the aim is to develop human resources who can acquire the ability to promote high value-added development by integrating these technologies.
  6. The Master's Program in Information Systems Engineering aims to develop engineers and researchers who can proactively contribute to the harmonious fusion of human knowledge and information technology, with an eye toward the future of information systems that will be useful to people's daily lives and society. do.
  7. The Master's Program in Environmental Design is designed to provide students with diverse perspectives and rich sensibilities with a view to connecting environments, spaces, and objects with beauty, amenities, and functionality, amidst the rapid development of social structures and the transition to an advanced information society. Our mission is to build a more attractive lifestyle and environmental infrastructure through comprehensive and comprehensive design with solid technical capabilities, and we are specialized engineers and engineers with advanced specialized knowledge and rich creativity who can respond to this mission. The purpose is to foster researchers.
  8. The doctoral program in the Department of Production Systems Engineering is based on the three fields of "mechanical engineering," "electronic information and communication engineering," and "information systems engineering."The doctoral program is based on the three fields of "mechanical engineering," "electronic information and communication engineering," and "information systems engineering."The doctoral program is based on the three fields of "mechanical engineering," "electronic information and communication engineering," and "information systems engineering."The doctoral program is based on the three fields of "mechanical engineering," "electronic information and communication engineering," and "information systems engineering." The purpose of this program is to develop researchers and engineers who have advanced specialized knowledge, rich creativity, and leadership skills who can develop, design, and construct highly functional production systems.
  9. The doctoral program in the Department of Environmental Development Engineering deepens research in academic fields to develop and preserve urban infrastructure and the urban environment, realize a recycling-oriented society, and realize beautiful and comfortable cities. The aim is to develop engineers, planners, and designers who can solve problems on their own based on their own knowledge.

Greetings from the Dean Graduate School of Engineering

Osaka Sangyo University Graduate School presentations at academic conferences, etc.

Agreement regarding examination and evaluation criteria for dissertations

Research guidance plan