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Employability ranking

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In a university image survey regarding employment, our university ranked highly in many places!

Nikkei HR and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun conduct a "Survey on University Image from the Perspective of Corporate HR Personnel" every year, targeting HR personnel from listed companies and major unlisted companies, and publish the results in the "Valuable University Employment Ability Ranking." In this ranking, our university was ranked 6th among private universities in the Kinki region (13th overall) in the overall ranking! In particular, our university was highly evaluated in the individual aspect rankings of [Interpersonal Ability], 2nd among private universities in the Kinki region (6th overall), and [Originality], 2nd among private universities nationwide (23rd overall). In addition, the university's image regarding its initiatives was highly evaluated, and it was ranked 1st among private universities in the Kinki region (14th overall) in the ranking of "Enthusiastic efforts in employment support." We have also received high evaluations in other rankings.

* Nikkei HR "Nikkei Career Magazine Special Edition: Valuable University Employment Rankings 2023 2024"

Ranking results list